Friday, April 17, 2009

The Petronas Towers are AWESOME!!!

Beverly the LOA that I am replacing is a great gal.  She is so well liked in the Embassy and especially by the Malaysian Police Department.  The FBI has an incredible program for Law Enforcement Agencies at home and around the world.  Every year, four times a year the FBI offers training back at Quantico for selected Law Enforcement Officers.  It is a very sought after selection.  Many officers can get promotions based on passing this training.  They spend about 8 to 10 weeks and basically have the same training that is afforded new FBI Agent Trainees.  Beverly does a lot of work in getting these guys slots for the training and then preparing them to go.  She also works on FBINA Retrainers that the NA Graduates get to go to.  The one this year for our group will be held in Queensland, Australia and I would have been able to go because I will be doing the one in 2010 in Kuala Lumpur and would have liked to have some experience, but unfortunately I have a mandatory LOA training in New York at the same time.  Back to Beverly.  Because she has done such a wonderful job, she is so respected and liked.  The Malaysian Special Branch (kind of like the CIA) invited her to dinner since she is leaving.  Luckily I was also invited since I will be taking her place.  One of the guys, now works for security for the Petronas Towers and we had this wonderful dinner at the Petronas's private dinning restaurant on the 42 floor.  It was a clear, beautiful night and you could see for miles and miles around the tower.  The lights of the city were spectacular.  The dinner was very, very expensive and so delicious.  They had a representative there from the Petronas Towers and she picked up the tab.  They gave Beverly some very beautiful gifts and were so wonderful to her.  My boss, Chuck, told me that when the Legat, who was not very popular with the Malaysian PD left they never did one thing for him.  So they don't just do this for everyone.  The representative from the Petronas Towers gave use each a gift; me, Beverly and Chuck, of a replica of the Petronas Towers.  I guess it was very exclusive.  I felt so honored to be part of this dinner.  The representative was a very sweet lady and she gave me her business card and told me that she would personally set up tours of the towers for visiting dignitaries and personnally for me,my family and friends.  We went on a small tour and got to walk on the bridge between the two towers.  Wow it was so incredible beautiful.  It was quite an experience.  Too bad I didn't get to take Scott with me.  Maybe next time.  Come visit, I'll take you to the Petronas Towers.


  1. Tobi....we need PICTURES!!!
    Of everything!
    The towers, the food you've been raving about, the embassy!
    My imagination only goes so far! : )

  2. Enjoyed talking to you this week, our main computer is still not up and running, I am using Craig's laptop right now. We are having a very rainy week-end, we have had over 3 inches of rain since yesterday. Rained out the Father son campout. Can't wait to see some pictures.

  3. Hi Tobi...would also love to see more pictures, surely...Bill and I must plan a trip to visit you soon...
